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Hallgrímur Helgason


'Hallgrímur Helgason was born on February 18th 1959 in Reykjavík. He studied at the Art Academy of Iceland from 1979-1980, and at the Art Academy of Munich from 1981-1982. Since then, he has worked as both an artist and writer.

His first novel, Hella, was published in 1990, followed by several others, as well as one collection of poetry. His novel 101 Reykjavik (1996) drew immediate attention and was subsequently translated throughout Scandinavia, Europe, and England. In 1999 it was nominated for the Nordic Council's Literary Award. A movie of the book, directed by Baltasar Kormákur, one of Iceland's leading film makers, was produced in 2000 and released worldwide. Baltasar also adapted Hallgrímur's novel, Þetta er allt að koma (Almost There) for the stage. It premiered at the National Theatre of Iceland, directed by Baltasar, in 2004.

Hallgrímur's diverse body of work includes plays for both radio and theatre, essays on society and culture for various newspapers, as well as performing stand-up comedy. As an artist, Hallgrímur has had over 20 solo exhibitions in Iceland, Boston, New York, Paris, and Malmo, Sweden; and has been included in over thirty collective exhibitions across the globe. Hallgrímur Helgason lives and works in Reykjavik' Icelandic Literatur

Websites (1)

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Icelandic Literature

Recensies (2)

Schoonmaaktips van een huurmoordenaar (2009):
- NRC Handelsblad (26-02-2010) Laura Starink: 'Er is hier geen lucht meer'
101 Reykjavik (2002):
- NRC Handelsblad (08-11-2002) Kester Freriks: Woeste tombola


Overzicht publicaties (met vertalingen):

2018, Sextíu kíló af sólskini
2011, Konan við 1000° (Een vrouw op 1000 graden - 2014)
2005, Rokland
2003, Herra Alheimur
2001, Höfundur Íslands
1998, Ljóðmæli 1978-1998
1996, 101 Reykjavík (101 Reykjavik - 2002)
1994, Þetta er allt að koma
1990, The Hitman’s Guide to House Cleaning (Schoonmaaktips van een huurmoordenaar - 2009)
1990, Hella

Het overzicht van de originele publicaties is niet per se compleet. Ik streef om praktische redenen geen volledigheid na.


Overzicht vertalingen:

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Een vrouw op 1000 graden
auteur: Hallgrímur Helgason
land: IJsland
vertaald uit het IJslands door Marcel Otten
vertaling van: Konan við 1000°, 2011
uitgever: De Arbeiderspers, maart 2014
ISBN13: 978-9029588935
genre: roman

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Schoonmaaktips van een huurmoordenaar
auteur: Hallgrímur Helgason
land: IJsland
vertaald uit het Engels door Gert Jan de Vries
vertaling van: The Hitman’s Guide to House Cleaning, 1990
uitgever: Meulenhoff, november 2009
ISBN13: 978-9029085328
genre: roman

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101 Reykjavik
auteur: Hallgrímur Helgason
land: IJsland
vertaald uit het IJslands door Doekes Lulofs
vertaling van: 101 Reykjavík, 1996
uitgever: Meulenhoff, oktober 2002
ISBN10: 9029069570
genre: roman

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